Of git, get, and gud

path: root/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_smstools/bin
diff options
authorH. P. <coding _æ_> 2019-04-17 19:07:19 +0200
committerH. P. <coding _æ_> 2019-04-17 19:07:19 +0200
commit1e2387474a449452b78520b9ad96a8b4b5e99722 (patch)
tree836889471eec7d2aac177405068e2a8f1e2b1978 /nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_smstools/bin
initial commit of source fetch
Diffstat (limited to 'nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_smstools/bin')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_smstools/bin/check_smstools b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_smstools/bin/check_smstools
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a7a0336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_smstools/bin/check_smstools
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+# Retrieves the status of an SMS Modem via smstools3.
+# Author: Patrick Schoenfeld <>
+# This file is licensed under the terms of the GPL v2 or later.
+# See the file COPYING for details.
+# Currently this plugin does not work with nagios embedded perl
+# nagios: -epn
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Nagios::Plugin;
+use POSIX;
+# Define regular expressions used to find the correct lines from
+# the status file
+my $signal_command = 'AT\+CSQ';
+my $registration_status_command = 'AT\+CREG\?';
+my $operator_command = 'AT\+COPS\?';
+# Define a regular expression that is used to check against
+# the answer of the modem to the AT+CREG? command in order
+# to determine registration status of the modem
+my $registration_status_expect = '.,1';
+# Define the default path of the status file
+my $status_file = '/var/log/smstools/smsd_stats/modem_status';
+# Default Threshoulds
+my $warning_lvl = 12; # WARNING, if signal level < threshould
+my $critical_lvl = 10; # CRITICAL, if signal level < threshould
+my $maxage = 60; # CRIRTICAL, if status file is more then x seconds old
+# Status variables
+my $siglvl;
+my $sigdbm;
+my $operator;
+my $expected_operator;
+my $registration_status;
+my $timestamp;
+my $np;
+sub init_plugin {
+ $np = Nagios::Plugin->new(usage => "usage: %s");
+ $np->add_arg(
+ spec => 'warning|w=f',
+ help => 'the signal level (as a positive float between 0..32) at which' .
+ 'to emit a WARNING state if the signal level is below this value'
+ );
+ $np->add_arg(
+ spec => 'critical|c=f',
+ help => 'the signal level (as a positive float between 0..32) at which to ' .
+ 'emit a CRITICAL state if the signal level is below this value'
+ );
+ $np->add_arg(
+ spec => 'max-age=i',
+ help => 'specify the maximum tolerated age of the status file in seconds'
+ );
+ $np->add_arg(
+ spec => 'status-file=s',
+ help => 'specifies the file which is checked for the status information'
+ );
+ $np->add_arg(
+ spec => 'expected-operator=s',
+ help => 'Specifies an operator that is expected. If the registered operator ' .
+ 'is not the same as specified here, the plugin will exit with a ' .
+ 'CRITICAL state'
+ );
+ $np->add_arg(
+ spec => 'debug|d',
+ help => 'Enable debug mode'
+ );
+ $np->getopts;
+ if ($np->opts->warning) {
+ $warning_lvl = $np->opts->warning;
+ }
+ if ($np->opts->critical) {
+ $critical_lvl = $np->opts->critical;
+ }
+ if ($np->opts->get('status-file')) {
+ $status_file = $np->opts->get('status-file');
+ }
+ if ($np->opts->get('max-age')) {
+ $maxage = $np->opts->get('max-age');
+ }
+ if ($np->opts->get('expected-operator')) {
+ $expected_operator = $np->opts->get('expected-operator');
+ }
+ if ($critical_lvl > $warning_lvl) {
+ $np->nagios_die("Critical level ($critical_lvl) is higher then the warning level ($warning_lvl)");
+ }
+ # Test if status_file is readable
+ unless (-r $status_file)
+ {
+ $np->nagios_die("Unable to read modem status file");
+ }
+sub parse_logline {
+ my $line = shift;
+ my %result;
+ # Use the line without the timestamp
+ $line = substr($line, 22);
+ $line =~ s/://g;
+ # Split line into an array
+ my @line = split(/\s/, $line);
+ # Modem
+ chomp $line[1];
+ $result{'modem'} = $line[1];
+ # Command
+ $result{'cmd'} = $line[3];
+ # Answer
+ $result{'answer'} = $line[5];
+ return %result;
+sub process_statusfile {
+ open(STATUS_FILE, "< $status_file") or $np->nagios_die("Unable to open modem status file");
+ # Check status file freshness
+ my $fileage = (stat(STATUS_FILE))[9];
+ my $fileage_difference = time() - $fileage;
+ if ($fileage_difference > $maxage) {
+ $np->nagios_exit(CRITICAL, "Status file has not changed since $maxage seconds\n");
+ }
+ while(<STATUS_FILE>) {
+ my %result = parse_logline($_);
+ unless ($registration_status) {
+ if ($result{'cmd'} =~ /$registration_status_command/) {
+ $registration_status = $result{'answer'};
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($siglvl) {
+ if ($result{'cmd'} =~ /$signal_command/) {
+ $siglvl = $result{'answer'};
+ $siglvl =~ s/,/./g;
+ $sigdbm = (2*$siglvl) - 113;
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($operator) {
+ if ($result{'cmd'} =~ /$operator_command/) {
+ $operator = $result{'answer'};
+ $operator =~ s/0,0,"//g;
+ }
+ }
+ # No need to parse the rest of the file, if signal
+ # and registration status are known
+ if ($siglvl and $registration_status and $operator) {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close(STATUS_FILE);
+sub check_registration {
+ unless ($registration_status) {
+ $np->nagios_die("Unable to determine modem registration status.");
+ }
+ unless ($registration_status =~ /$registration_status_expect/) {
+ $np->nagios_exit(CRITICAL, "Modem is not registered to a GSM network.");
+ }
+sub check_signal {
+ unless ($siglvl) {
+ $np->nagios_die("Unable to determine the modem signal strength.");
+ }
+ if (($siglvl < 0) or ($siglvl > 31)) {
+ $np->nagios_die("Unable to determine the modem signal strength.");
+ }
+ # Add performance data information
+ $np->add_perfdata(
+ label => 'level',
+ value => $siglvl
+ );
+ $np->add_perfdata(
+ label => 'dBm',
+ value => $sigdbm
+ );
+ if ($siglvl <= $critical_lvl) {
+ $np->nagios_exit(CRITICAL, "Modem is registered ($operator), but signal quality ($siglvl) is below threshould.");
+ }
+ if ($siglvl <= $warning_lvl) {
+ $np->nagios_exit(WARNING, "Modem is registered ($operator), but signal quality ($siglvl) is below threshould.");
+ }
+ # If we get here we can exit with OK
+ $np->nagios_exit(OK, "Modem is registered ($operator). Signal quality is $siglvl / $sigdbm dBm.");
+sub check_operator {
+ unless ($operator) {
+ $operator = "Unknown Operator";
+ }
+ if ($expected_operator) {
+ if ($operator ne $expected_operator) {
+ $np->nagios_exit(CRITICAL, "Modem is registered to $operator while $expected_operator is expected.");
+ }
+ }