Of git, get, and gud

path: root/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_cups/check_cups
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authormail_redacted_for_web 2019-04-17 19:07:19 +0200
committermail_redacted_for_web 2019-04-17 19:07:19 +0200
commit1e2387474a449452b78520b9ad96a8b4b5e99722 (patch)
tree836889471eec7d2aac177405068e2a8f1e2b1978 /nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_cups/check_cups
initial commit of source fetch
Diffstat (limited to 'nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_cups/check_cups')
1 files changed, 617 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_cups/check_cups b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_cups/check_cups
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b202fbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_cups/check_cups
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+=head1 NAME
+check_cups - monitor CUPS queues
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Steve Huff <>
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Polls a CUPS server to discover queues, then reports on queue status.
+=head1 REQUIRES
+Perl5.004, strict, warnings, Data::Dumper, Nagios::Plugin, Net::CUPS, Date::Manip, POSIX
+=head1 EXPORTS
+C<check_cups> polls the specified CUPS server and discovers print queues. It tests against a queue length threshold and an age of the oldest job in the queue threshold.
+Performance data (queue length and maximum queue age) is provided.
+Future development plans include the option to specify the number of expected print queues.
+# these need to be outside the BEGIN
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# see this page for an explanation regarding the levels of warnings:
+no warnings qw( redefine prototype );
+ # use Opsview libs
+ use lib '/usr/local/nagios/perl/lib';
+ use lib '/usr/local/nagios/lib';
+ use Nagios::Plugin;
+ use Data::Dumper;
+ use Date::Manip;
+ use POSIX qw( strftime );
+ use Net::CUPS;
+ # reregister interrupt
+ $SIG{INT} = \&DoInterrupt;
+} ## end BEGIN
+# default values
+my( $timeout, $verbose );
+my $WARNINGAGE = '20 minutes';
+my $CRITICALAGE = '1 hour';
+# instantiate the Nagios::Plugin object
+my( $usagemsg ) = <<USAGE;
+Usage: %s -H <hostname> [-w <number of queued jobs>] [-c <number of queued jobs>] [-W <age of oldest job in queue>] [-C <age of oldest job in queue>] [-t timeout] [-v|d] [-h]
+my( $blurb ) = <<BLURB;
+check_cups polls the specified CUPS server and discovers print queues. It tests against a queue length threshold and an age of the oldest job in the queue threshold.
+Performance data (queue length and maximum queue age) is provided.
+Future development plans include the option to specify the number of expected print queues.
+my( $license ) = <<LICENSE;
+This Nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
+It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU
+General Public Licence (see
+This plugin was written at The Harvard-MIT Data Center
+( by Steve Huff (<shuff\>).
+my( $plugin ) = Nagios::Plugin->new(
+ shortname => 'check_cups',
+ usage => $usagemsg,
+ version => '0.2',
+ blurb => $blurb,
+ license => $license,
+ );
+=head2 Plugin Metadata
+Metadata is documented in L<Nagios::Plugin> and L<Nagios::Plugin::Getopt>.
+Other available options of interest include C<url>, C<extra>, and C<timeout>.
+# add the additional options
+ spec => 'hostname|H=s',
+ help => [
+ "Hostname to query",
+ "IP address to query",
+ ],
+ label => [ 'HOSTNAME', 'IP' ],
+ required => 1,
+ );
+# queued jobs
+ spec => 'warning|w=i',
+ help => "Warning threshold in number of queued jobs (default $WARNINGJOBS)",
+ default => $WARNINGJOBS,
+ label => [ 'QUEUED JOBS' ],
+ required => 0,
+ );
+ spec => 'critical|c=i',
+ help => "Critical threshold in number of queued jobs (default $CRITICALJOBS)",
+ default => $CRITICALJOBS,
+ label => [ 'QUEUED JOBS' ],
+ required => 0,
+ );
+# job age
+ spec => 'warningage|W=s',
+ help => "Warning threshold of job age (default '$WARNINGAGE')",
+ default => $WARNINGAGE,
+ label => [ 'TIME SPECIFICATION' ],
+ required => 0,
+ );
+ spec => 'criticalage|C=s',
+ help => "Critical threshold of job age (default '$CRITICALAGE')",
+ default => $CRITICALAGE,
+ label => [ 'TIME SPECIFICATION' ],
+ required => 0,
+ );
+=head2 Plugin Options
+Refer to L<Nagios::Plugin::Getopt> for option specifications - they differ slightly from pure L<Getopt::Long>-style option specifications.
+A number of standard options (C<--help>, C<--version>, C<--usage>, C<--timeout>, and C<--verbose>) are implemented by default, thanks to the arguments passed to C<Nagios::Plugin->new()>, and do not need to be specified. Moreover, if you attempt to override them, you will simply create two such options, which produces confusing C<--help> output and unexpected behavior.
+# parse options
+my( $opts ) = $plugin->opts;
+# declare variables
+my( $server, $queues, $warningjobs, $criticaljobs, $warningage, $criticalage );
+# every variable must have a value
+$server = $opts->get( 'hostname' );
+$timeout = $opts->get( 'timeout' ); # See above: option provided by default
+$verbose = $opts->get( 'verbose' ); # See above: option provided by default
+$warningjobs = $opts->get( 'warning' );
+$criticaljobs = $opts->get( 'critical' );
+$warningage = $opts->get( 'warningage' );
+$criticalage = $opts->get( 'criticalage' );
+# sanity check
+defined( $server )
+ or $plugin->nagios_die( "No value provided for --hostname!" );
+# parse time differentials
+my( $nowdate ) = ParseDate( 'now' );
+my( $warningdelta ) = ParseDateDelta( $warningage );
+unless( defined( $warningdelta ) ) {
+ $plugin->nagios_die( "'$warningage' is not a valid time specification!" );
+my( $criticaldelta ) = ParseDateDelta( $criticalage );
+unless( defined( $criticaldelta ) ) {
+ $plugin->nagios_die( "'$criticalage' is not a valid time specification!" );
+my( $warningminutes ) = sprintf( '%d', Delta_Format( $warningdelta, 'approx', 0, '%mt' ) );
+my( $criticalminutes ) = sprintf( '%d', Delta_Format( $criticaldelta, 'approx', 0, '%mt' ) );
+# critical thresholds must be greater than warning thresholds
+if ( $warningjobs >= $criticaljobs ) {
+ $plugin->nagios_die( "Job number warning threshold ($warningjobs) must be less than critical threshold ($criticaljobs)." );
+if ( $warningminutes >= $criticalminutes ) {
+ $plugin->nagios_die( "Job age warning threshold ($warningage) must be less than critical threshold ($criticalage)." );
+=head2 Testing and Exit Status
+The basic methodology of a Nagios plugin is as follows:
+=item 1.
+Run some sort of test.
+=item 2.
+Validate the result against provided (or default) thresholds.
+=item 3.
+Exit with the appropriate error code, optionally outputting text.
+Running the test is up to you.
+The function to use for validating the result is C<Nagios::Plugin::check_threshold()> (see L<Nagios::Plugin::Threshold> and L<Nagios::Plugin::Range> for details and specifications), which returns a value appropriate for use as an exit code.
+The functions to use for exiting are C<Nagios::Plugin::nagios_exit()> and C<Nagios::Plugin::nagios_die()>. C<nagios_exit()> is the general-purpose exit function, while C<nagios_die()> should be used for any unexpected exits and indicates that something went wrong with the plugin's operation.
+=head3 Return String
+The plugin return string performs two functions:
+=item 1.
+It communicates in human-readable format more details about what exactly has gone wrong (e.g. "Disk usage on '/var' is at 92% (threshold 90%)").
+=item 2.
+It (optionally) communicates in machine-readable format performance data which can be aggregated by tools such as Nagiosgraph (e.g. '| time=0.042745s;5.000000;10.000000;0.000000 size=2162B;;;0'). See L<Nagios::Plugin::Performance> for details and specifications; the function to use is C<Nagios::plugin::add_perfdata()>.
+The plugin string will automatically be populated with the plugin name and the exit status (e.g. "check_snmp_disk OK - "); everything after the "- " is what you provide with the message arguments to C<nagios_exit()> or C<nagios_die()>. C<add_perfdata()> takes care of appending the "|" and properly formatting performance data.
+# begin tracking status and message
+my( $status, $message ) = ( OK, '' );
+# do some test, with a timeout
+alarm $timeout; # the heavy lifting is done in Nagios::Plugin::Getopt
+my( $result ) = doTest( $server );
+alarm 0;
+# validate the result, queue by queue
+my( %ok, %warning, %critical, %unknown );
+debug( "Analyzing results..." );
+foreach my $queuename ( keys( %{$result} ) ) {
+ # FIXME - allow per-queue overrides
+ my( $queue ) = $result->{$queuename};
+ my( $age, $jobs ) = ( $queue->{delta}, $queue->{numjobs} );
+ # sanitize values
+ defined( $age ) or $age = 0;
+ defined( $jobs ) or $jobs = 0;
+ my( $agestatus ) = $plugin->check_threshold(
+ check => $age,
+ warning => $warningminutes,
+ critical => $criticalminutes,
+ );
+ my( $jobsstatus ) = $plugin->check_threshold(
+ check => $jobs,
+ warning => $warningjobs,
+ critical => $criticaljobs,
+ );
+ # sort the queue appropriately
+ if ( $agestatus == CRITICAL or $jobsstatus == CRITICAL ) {
+ $critical{$queuename} = { age => $age, jobs => $jobs };
+ }
+ elsif ( $agestatus == WARNING or $jobsstatus == WARNING ) {
+ $warning{$queuename} = { age => $age, jobs => $jobs };
+ }
+ elsif ( $agestatus == UNKNOWN or $jobsstatus == UNKNOWN ) {
+ $unknown{$queuename} = { age => $age, jobs => $jobs };
+ }
+ else {
+ $ok{$queuename} = { age => $age, jobs => $jobs };
+ }
+ # add performance data
+ $plugin->add_perfdata(
+ label => $queuename . "_jobs",
+ value => $jobs,
+ uom => undef,
+ warning => $warningjobs,
+ critical => $criticaljobs,
+ );
+ # add performance data
+ $plugin->add_perfdata(
+ label => $queuename . "_age",
+ value => $age,
+ uom => undef,
+ warning => $warningminutes,
+ critical => $criticalminutes,
+ );
+# figure out our status
+if ( scalar( keys( %critical ) ) ) {
+ debug( Data::Dumper->Dump( [\%critical], [qw(*critical)] ), 3 );
+ $status = CRITICAL;
+ foreach my $queue ( sort( keys( %critical ) ) ) {
+ $message .= "$queue ( ";
+ my( $age, $jobs ) = ( $critical{$queue}->{age}, $critical{$queue}->{jobs} );
+ my( $prettyage ) = prettyDelta( ParseDateDelta( "$age minutes" ) );
+ my( @messages );
+ if ( $age > $criticalminutes ) {
+ push( @messages, "job $prettyage old" );
+ }
+ if ( $jobs > $criticaljobs ) {
+ push( @messages, "$jobs queued jobs" );
+ }
+ $message .= join( ',', @messages );
+ $message .= ' ) ';
+ }
+elsif ( scalar( keys( %warning ) ) ) {
+ debug( Data::Dumper->Dump( [\%warning], [qw(*warning)] ), 3 );
+ $status = WARNING;
+ foreach my $queue ( sort( keys( %warning ) ) ) {
+ $message .= "$queue ( ";
+ my( $age, $jobs ) = ( $warning{$queue}->{age}, $warning{$queue}->{jobs} );
+ my( $prettyage ) = prettyDelta( parseDateDelta( "$age minutes" ) );
+ my( @messages );
+ if ( $age > $warningminutes ) {
+ push( @messages, "job $prettyage old" );
+ }
+ if ( $jobs > $warningjobs ) {
+ push( @messages, "$jobs queued jobs" );
+ }
+ $message .= join( ',', @messages );
+ $message .= ' ) ';
+ }
+elsif ( scalar( keys( %unknown ) ) ) {
+ debug( Data::Dumper->Dump( [\%unknown], [qw(*unknown)] ), 3 );
+ $status = UNKNOWN;
+ $message .= 'Unable to determine status: ';
+ $message .= join( ',', sort( keys( %unknown ) ) );
+else {
+ debug( Data::Dumper->Dump( [\%ok], [qw(*ok)] ), 3 );
+ $message .= 'All queues within parameters.';
+# exit with appropriate return values
+$plugin->nagios_exit( $status, $message );
+# #
+# doTest - poll server for printers
+# #
+sub doTest( $ ) {
+ my( $host ) = @_;
+ my( %queues );
+ debug( "Creating Net::CUPS object...", 2 );
+ my( $cups ) = Net::CUPS->new();
+ unless ( defined( $cups ) ) {
+ debug( "Unable to create Net::CUPS object: $!" );
+ return( undef );
+ }
+ debug( "Setting server to '$host'...", 2 );
+ $cups->setServer( $host );
+ debug( "Polling for queues...", 1 );
+ foreach my $queue ( $cups->getDestinations() ) {
+ my( $name ) = $queue->getName();
+ if ( defined( $name ) ) {
+ $queues{$name} = { destination => $queue };
+ debug( "Found queue '$name'.", 3 );
+ }
+ else {
+ debug( "Unable to determine queue name!" );
+ }
+ }
+ debug( "Parsing queues...", 1 );
+ my( $now ) = strftime( '%s', localtime() );
+ foreach my $queue ( keys( %queues ) ) {
+ my( $destination ) = $queues{$queue}->{destination};
+ my( @jobs ) = $destination->getJobs( 0, 0 );
+ ( @jobs ) or ( @jobs ) = ();
+ foreach my $jobid ( @jobs ) {
+ my( $job ) = \%{$destination->getJob( $jobid )};
+ $queues{$queue}->{jobs}->{$jobid} = $job;
+ my( $delta ) = deltaMinutes( $job->{creation_time}, $now );
+ # track the largest delta in the queue
+ if ( ( ! exists( $queues{$queue}->{delta} ) ) ||
+ ( $delta > $queues{$queue}->{delta} ) ) {
+ $queues{$queue}->{delta} = $delta;
+ }
+ }
+ $queues{$queue}->{numjobs} = keys( %{$queues{$queue}->{jobs}} );
+ }
+ debug( Data::Dumper->Dump( [\%queues], [qw(*queues)] ), 3 );
+ return( \%queues );
+# #
+# deltaMinutes - determine the delta in days between two datestamps
+# #
+sub deltaMinutes( $$ ) {
+ my( $lesser, $greater ) = sort( @_ );
+ debug( "Received '$lesser', '$greater'.", 3 );
+ my( $lesserdate ) = ParseDateString( "epoch $lesser" );
+ my( $greaterdate ) = ParseDateString( "epoch $greater" );
+ my( $delta ) = DateCalc( $lesserdate, $greaterdate );
+ my( $deltaminutes ) = sprintf( '%d', Delta_Format( $delta, 'approx', 0, '%mt' ) );
+ defined( $deltaminutes ) or $deltaminutes = 0;
+ debug( "Delta: $deltaminutes minutes.", 3 );
+ return( $deltaminutes );
+# #
+# prettyDelta - display time delta in sensible format
+# #
+sub prettyDelta( $ ) {
+ my( $delta ) = @_;
+ debug( "Delta: '$delta'", 3 );
+ # parse the delta
+ my( $days, $hours, $minutes ) = Delta_Format(
+ $delta, 'approx', 0, ( qw(
+ %dh
+ %hv
+ %mv
+ ) )
+ );
+ debug( "\$days: $days\n\$hours: $hours\n\$minutes: $minutes", 3 );
+ # assemble the string
+ my( $pretty );
+ # a day or more?
+ if ( $days ) {
+ $pretty .= "$days day";
+ if ( $days > 1 ) {
+ $pretty .= "s";
+ }
+ }
+ # hours?
+ if ( $hours ) {
+ if ( $days ) {
+ if ( $minutes ) {
+ $pretty .= ", ";
+ }
+ else {
+ $pretty .= " and ";
+ }
+ }
+ $pretty .= "$hours hour";
+ if ( $hours > 1 ) {
+ $pretty .= "s";
+ }
+ }
+ # minutes?
+ if ( $minutes ) {
+ if ( $days && $hours ) {
+ $pretty .= ",";
+ }
+ if ( $days || $hours ) {
+ $pretty .= " and ";
+ }
+ $pretty .= "$minutes minute";
+ if ( $minutes > 1 ) {
+ $pretty .= "s";
+ }
+ }
+ debug( "\$pretty: '$pretty'", 3 );
+ return( $pretty );
+# #
+# debug - print debug info
+# #
+sub debug( $;$ ) {
+ my( $message, $level ) = @_;
+ defined( $level ) or $level = 1;
+ if ( $verbose >= $level ) {
+ chomp $message;
+ print "$message\n";
+ }
+# #
+# DoInterrupt - handle SIGINT and clean up
+# #
+sub DoInterrupt {
+ $plugin->nagios_die( "Interrupt received" );