package HP::Proliant; use strict; use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; use Data::Dumper; our @ISA = qw(HP::Server); sub init { my $self = shift; $self->{components} = { powersupply_subsystem => undef, fan_subsystem => undef, temperature_subsystem => undef, cpu_subsystem => undef, memory_subsystem => undef, nic_subsystem => undef, disk_subsystem => undef, asr_subsystem => undef, event_subsystem => undef, battery_subsystem => undef, }; $self->{serial} = 'unknown'; $self->{product} = 'unknown'; $self->{romversion} = 'unknown'; $self->collect(); if (! $self->{runtime}->{plugin}->check_messages() && ! exists $self->{noinst_hint}) { $self->set_serial(); $self->check_for_buggy_firmware(); $self->analyze_cpus(); $self->analyze_powersupplies(); $self->analyze_fan_subsystem(); $self->analyze_temperatures(); $self->analyze_memory_subsystem(); $self->analyze_nic_subsystem(); $self->analyze_disk_subsystem(); $self->analyze_asr_subsystem(); $self->analyze_event_subsystem(); $self->analyze_battery_subsystem(); $self->auto_blacklist(); $self->check_cpus(); $self->check_powersupplies(); $self->check_fan_subsystem(); $self->check_temperatures(); $self->check_memory_subsystem(); $self->check_nic_subsystem(); $self->check_disk_subsystem(); $self->check_asr_subsystem(); $self->check_event_subsystem(); $self->check_battery_subsystem(); } } sub identify { my $self = shift; foreach (qw(product serial romversion)) { $self->{$_} =~ s/^\s+//; $self->{$_} =~ s/\s+$//; } return sprintf "System: '%s', S/N: '%s', ROM: '%s'", $self->{product}, $self->{serial}, $self->{romversion}; } sub check_for_buggy_firmware { my $self = shift; my @buggyfirmwares = ( "P24 12/11/2001", "P24 11/15/2002", "D13 06/03/2003", "D13 09/15/2004", "P20 12/17/2002" ); if ($self->{romversion} =~ /^\w+ \d+\/\d+\/\d+$/) { $self->{runtime}->{options}->{buggy_firmware} = grep /^$self->{romversion}/, @buggyfirmwares; } else { # nicht parsbarer schrott in cpqSeSysRomVer, gesehen bei Gen9 $self->{runtime}->{options}->{buggy_firmware} = undef; } } sub dump { my $self = shift; printf STDERR "serial %s\n", $self->{serial}; printf STDERR "product %s\n", $self->{product}; printf STDERR "romversion %s\n", $self->{romversion}; printf STDERR "%s\n", Data::Dumper::Dumper($self->{components}); } sub analyze_powersupplies { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{powersupply_subsystem} = HP::Proliant::Component::PowersupplySubsystem->new( rawdata => $self->{rawdata}, method => $self->{method}, runtime => $self->{runtime}, ); } sub analyze_fan_subsystem { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{fan_subsystem} = HP::Proliant::Component::FanSubsystem->new( rawdata => $self->{rawdata}, method => $self->{method}, runtime => $self->{runtime}, ); } sub analyze_temperatures { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{temperature_subsystem} = HP::Proliant::Component::TemperatureSubsystem->new( rawdata => $self->{rawdata}, method => $self->{method}, runtime => $self->{runtime}, ); } sub analyze_cpus { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{cpu_subsystem} = HP::Proliant::Component::CpuSubsystem->new( rawdata => $self->{rawdata}, method => $self->{method}, runtime => $self->{runtime}, ); } sub analyze_memory_subsystem { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{memory_subsystem} = HP::Proliant::Component::MemorySubsystem->new( rawdata => $self->{rawdata}, method => $self->{method}, runtime => $self->{runtime}, ); } sub analyze_nic_subsystem { my $self = shift; return if $self->{method} ne "snmp"; $self->{components}->{nic_subsystem} = HP::Proliant::Component::NicSubsystem->new( rawdata => $self->{rawdata}, method => $self->{method}, runtime => $self->{runtime}, ); } sub analyze_disk_subsystem { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{disk_subsystem} = HP::Proliant::Component::DiskSubsystem->new( rawdata => $self->{rawdata}, method => $self->{method}, runtime => $self->{runtime}, ); } sub analyze_asr_subsystem { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{asr_subsystem} = HP::Proliant::Component::AsrSubsystem->new( rawdata => $self->{rawdata}, method => $self->{method}, runtime => $self->{runtime}, ); } sub analyze_event_subsystem { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{event_subsystem} = HP::Proliant::Component::EventSubsystem->new( rawdata => $self->{rawdata}, method => $self->{method}, runtime => $self->{runtime}, ); } sub analyze_battery_subsystem { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{battery_subsystem} = HP::Proliant::Component::BatterySubsystem->new( rawdata => $self->{rawdata}, method => $self->{method}, runtime => $self->{runtime}, ); } sub check_cpus { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{cpu_subsystem}->check(); $self->{components}->{cpu_subsystem}->dump() if $self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2; } sub check_powersupplies { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{powersupply_subsystem}->check(); $self->{components}->{powersupply_subsystem}->dump() if $self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2; } sub check_fan_subsystem { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{fan_subsystem}->check(); $self->{components}->{fan_subsystem}->dump() if $self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2; } sub check_temperatures { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{temperature_subsystem}->check(); $self->{components}->{temperature_subsystem}->dump() if $self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2; } sub check_memory_subsystem { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{memory_subsystem}->check(); $self->{components}->{memory_subsystem}->dump() if $self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2; } sub check_nic_subsystem { my $self = shift; return if $self->{method} ne "snmp"; if ($self->{runtime}->{plugin}->{opts}->get('eval-nics')) { $self->{components}->{nic_subsystem}->check(); $self->{components}->{nic_subsystem}->dump() if $self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2; } } sub check_disk_subsystem { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{disk_subsystem}->check(); $self->{components}->{disk_subsystem}->dump() if $self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2; # zum anhaengen an die normale ausgabe... da: 2 logical drives, 5 physical... $self->{runtime}->{plugin}->add_message(OK, $self->{components}->{disk_subsystem}->{summary}) if $self->{components}->{disk_subsystem}->{summary}; } sub check_asr_subsystem { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{asr_subsystem}->check(); $self->{components}->{asr_subsystem}->dump() if $self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2; } sub check_event_subsystem { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{event_subsystem}->check(); $self->{components}->{event_subsystem}->dump() if $self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2; } sub check_battery_subsystem { my $self = shift; $self->{components}->{battery_subsystem}->check(); $self->{components}->{battery_subsystem}->dump() if $self->{runtime}->{options}->{verbose} >= 2; } sub auto_blacklist() { my $self = shift; if ($self->{product} =~ /380 g6/) { # seite 19 if ($self->{components}->{cpu_subsystem}->num_cpus() == 1) { $self->add_blacklist('ff/f:5,6'); } } elsif ($self->{product} =~ /380 g6/) { # Fan 2 is only required when processor 2 is installed in the server. } } package HP::Proliant::CLI; use strict; use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; our @ISA = qw(HP::Proliant); sub collect { my $self = shift; my $hpasmcli = undef; if (($self->{runtime}->{plugin}->opts->hpasmcli) && (-f $self->{runtime}->{plugin}->opts->hpasmcli) && (! -x $self->{runtime}->{plugin}->opts->hpasmcli)) { no strict 'refs'; open(BIRK, $self->{runtime}->{plugin}->opts->hpasmcli); # all output in one file prefixed with server|powersupply|fans|temp|dimm while() { chomp; $self->{rawdata} .= $_."\n"; } close BIRK; # If you run this script and redirect it's output to a file # you can use it for testing purposes with # --hpasmcli # It must not be executable. (chmod 644) my $diag = <<'EOEO'; hpasmcli=$(which hpasmcli) hpacucli=$(which hpacucli) for i in server powersupply fans temp dimm do $hpasmcli -s "show $i" | while read line do printf "%s %s\n" $i "$line" done done if [ -x "$hpacucli" ]; then for i in config status do $hpacucli ctrl all show $i | while read line do printf "%s %s\n" $i "$line" done done fi EOEO } else { #die "exec hpasmcli"; # alles einsammeln und in rawdata stecken my $hpasmcli = undef; $hpasmcli = $self->{runtime}->{plugin}->opts->hpasmcli ? $self->{runtime}->{plugin}->opts->hpasmcli : '/sbin/hpasmcli'; # check if this exists at all # descend the directory if ($self->{runtime}->{plugin}->opts->hpasmcli && -e $self->{runtime}->{plugin}->opts->hpasmcli) { $hpasmcli = $self->{runtime}->{plugin}->opts->hpasmcli; } elsif (-e '/sbin/hpasmcli') { $hpasmcli = '/sbin/hpasmcli'; } else { $hpasmcli = undef; } if ($hpasmcli) { if ($< != 0) { close STDIN; $hpasmcli = "sudo -S ".$hpasmcli; } $self->trace(2, sprintf "calling %s\n", $hpasmcli); $self->check_daemon(); if (! $self->{runtime}->{plugin}->check_messages()) { $self->check_hpasm_client($hpasmcli); if (! $self->{runtime}->{plugin}->check_messages()) { foreach my $component (qw(server fans temp dimm powersupply iml)) { if (open HPASMCLI, "$hpasmcli -s \"show $component\" ; close HPASMCLI; $self->{rawdata} .= join("\n", map { $component.' '.$_; } @output); } } if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{hpacucli}) { #1 oder 0. pfad selber finden my $hpacucli = undef; if (-e '/usr/sbin/hpssacli') { $hpacucli = '/usr/sbin/hpssacli'; } elsif (-e '/usr/local/sbin/hpssacli') { $hpacucli = '/usr/local/sbin/hpssacli'; } elsif (-e '/usr/sbin/hpacucli') { $hpacucli = '/usr/sbin/hpacucli'; } elsif (-e '/usr/local/sbin/hpacucli') { $hpacucli = '/usr/local/sbin/hpacucli'; } elsif (-e '/usr/sbin/hpssacli') { $hpacucli = '/usr/sbin/hpssacli'; } elsif (-e '/usr/local/sbin/hpssacli') { $hpacucli = '/usr/local/sbin/hpssacli'; } else { $hpacucli = $hpasmcli; $hpacucli =~ s/^sudo\s*//; $hpacucli =~ s/hpasmcli/hpacucli/; $hpacucli = -e $hpacucli ? $hpacucli : undef; if (! $hpacucli) { $hpacucli = $hpasmcli; $hpacucli =~ s/^sudo\s*//; $hpacucli =~ s/hpasmcli/hpssacli/; $hpacucli = -e $hpacucli ? $hpacucli : undef; } } if ($hpacucli) { if ($< != 0) { close STDIN; $hpacucli = "sudo -S ".$hpacucli; } $self->trace(2, sprintf "calling %s\n", $hpacucli); $self->check_hpacu_client($hpacucli); if (! $self->{runtime}->{plugin}->check_messages()) { if (open HPACUCLI, "$hpacucli ctrl all show status 2>&1|") { my @output = ; close HPACUCLI; $self->{rawdata} .= join("\n", map { 'status '.$_; } @output); } if (open HPACUCLI, "$hpacucli ctrl all show config 2>&1|") { my @output = ; close HPACUCLI; $self->{rawdata} .= join("\n", map { 'config '.$_; } @output); if (grep /Syntax error at "config"/, @output) { # older version of hpacucli CLI foreach my $slot (0..10) { if (open HPACUCLI, "$hpacucli ctrl slot=$slot logicaldrive all show 2>&1|") { my @output = ; close HPACUCLI; $self->{rawdata} .= join("\n", map { 'config '.$_; } @output); } if (open HPACUCLI, "$hpacucli ctrl slot=$slot physicaldrive all show 2>&1|") { my @output = ; close HPACUCLI; $self->{rawdata} .= join("\n", map { 'config '.$_; } @output); } } } } } elsif ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{hpacucli} == 2) { # we probably don't have sudo-privileges, but we were compiled with # --enable-hpacucli=maybe # so we cover it up in silence $self->remove_message(UNKNOWN); $self->trace(2, sprintf "calling %s seems to have failed, but nobody cares\n", $hpacucli); } } else { if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{noinstlevel} eq 'ok') { $self->add_message(OK, 'hpacucli is not installed. let\'s hope the best...'); } else { $self->add_message( uc $self->{runtime}->{options}->{noinstlevel}, 'hpacucli is not installed.'); } } } } } } else { if ($self->{runtime}->{options}->{noinstlevel} eq 'ok') { $self->add_message(OK, 'hpasm is not installed, i can only guess'); $self->{noinst_hint} = 1; } else { $self->add_message( uc $self->{runtime}->{options}->{noinstlevel}, 'hpasmcli is not installed.'); } } } } sub check_daemon { my $self = shift; my $multiproc_os_signatures_files = { '/etc/SuSE-release' => 'VERSION\s*=\s*8', '/etc/trustix-release' => '.*', '/etc/redhat-release' => '.*Pensacola.*', '/etc/debian_version' => '3\.1', '/etc/issue' => '.*Kernel 2\.4\.9-vmnix2.*', # VMware ESX Server 2.5.4 }; if (open PS, "/bin/ps -e -ocmd|") { my $numprocs = 0; my $numcliprocs = 0; my @procs = ; close PS; $numprocs = grep /hpasm.*d$/, map { (split /\s+/, $_)[0] } @procs; $numcliprocs = grep /hpasmcli/, grep !/check_hpasm/, @procs; if (! $numprocs ) { $self->add_message(CRITICAL, 'hpasmd needs to be restarted'); } elsif ($numprocs > 1) { my $known = 0; foreach my $osfile (keys %{$multiproc_os_signatures_files}) { if (-f $osfile) { open OSSIG, $osfile; if (grep /$multiproc_os_signatures_files->{$osfile}/, ) { $known = 1; } close OSSIG; } } if (! $known) { $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, 'multiple hpasmd procs'); } } if ($numcliprocs == 1) { $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, 'another hpasmcli is running'); } elsif ($numcliprocs > 1) { $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, 'hanging hpasmcli processes'); } } } sub check_hpasm_client { my $self = shift; my $hpasmcli = shift; if (open HPASMCLI, "$hpasmcli -s help 2>&1 |") { my @output = ; close HPASMCLI; if (grep /Could not communicate with hpasmd/, @output) { $self->add_message(CRITICAL, 'hpasmd needs to be restarted'); } elsif (grep /(asswor[dt]:)|(You must be root)/, @output) { $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, sprintf "insufficient rights to call %s", $hpasmcli); } elsif (grep /must have a tty/, @output) { $self->add_message(CRITICAL, 'sudo must be configured with requiretty=no (man sudo)'); } elsif (grep /ERROR: hpasmcli only runs on HPE Proliant Servers/, @output) { $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, "hpasmcli detected incompatible hardware"); } elsif (! grep /CLEAR/, @output) { $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, sprintf "insufficient rights to call %s", $hpasmcli); } } else { $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, sprintf "insufficient rights to call %s", $hpasmcli); } } sub check_hpacu_client { my $self = shift; my $hpacucli = shift; if (open HPACUCLI, "$hpacucli help 2>&1 |") { my @output = ; close HPACUCLI; if (grep /Another instance of hpacucli is running/, @output) { $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, 'another hpacucli is running'); } elsif (grep /You need to have administrator rights/, @output) { $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, sprintf "insufficient rights to call %s", $hpacucli); } elsif (grep /(asswor[dt]:)|(You must be root)/, @output) { $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, sprintf "insufficient rights to call %s", $hpacucli); } elsif (! grep /(CLI Syntax)|(ACU CLI)/, @output) { $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, sprintf "insufficient rights to call %s", $hpacucli); } } else { $self->add_message(UNKNOWN, sprintf "insufficient rights to call %s", $hpacucli); } } sub set_serial { my $self = shift; foreach (grep(/^server/, split(/\n/, $self->{rawdata}))) { if (/System\s+:\s+(.*[^\s])/) { $self->{product} = lc $1; } elsif (/Serial No\.\s+:\s+(\w+)/) { $self->{serial} = $1; } elsif (/ROM version\s+:\s+(.*[^\s])/) { $self->{romversion} = $1; } } $self->{serial} = $self->{serial}; $self->{product} = lc $self->{product}; $self->{romversion} = $self->{romversion}; foreach (qw(serial product romversion)) { $self->{$_} =~ s/\s+$//g; } } package HP::Proliant::SNMP; use strict; use constant { OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3 }; our @ISA = qw(HP::Proliant); sub collect { my $self = shift; my %oidtables = ( system => "", cpqSeProcessor => "", cpqHePWSComponent => "", cpqHeThermal => "", cpqHeMComponent => "", cpqDaComponent => "", cpqSiComponent => "", cpqSeRom => "", cpqSasComponent => "", cpqIdeComponent => "", cpqFcaComponent => "", cpqHeAsr => "", cpqNic => "", cpqHeEventLog => "", cpqHeSysBackupBattery => "", # cpqHeComponent => "", # cpqHeFComponent => "", # cpqHeTComponent => "", ); my %oidvalues = ( cpqHeEventLogSupported => "", cpqHeEventLogCondition => "", cpqNicIfLogMapOverallCondition => "", cpqHeThermalTempStatus => "", cpqHeThermalSystemFanStatus => "", cpqHeThermalCpuFanStatus => "", cpqHeAsrStatus => "", cpqHeAsrCondition => "", ); if ($self->{runtime}->{plugin}->opts->snmpwalk) { my $cpqSeMibCondition = ''; # 2=ok my $cpqHeMibCondition = ''; # hat nicht jeder if ($self->{productname} =~ /4LEE/) { # rindsarsch! $self->{rawdata}->{$cpqHeMibCondition} = 0; } if (! exists $self->{rawdata}->{$cpqHeMibCondition} && ! exists $self->{rawdata}->{$cpqSeMibCondition}) { # vlt. geht doch was $self->add_message(CRITICAL, 'snmpwalk returns no health data (cpqhlth-mib)'); } $self->{fullrawdata} = {}; %{$self->{fullrawdata}} = %{$self->{rawdata}}; $self->{rawdata} = {}; if (! $self->{runtime}->{plugin}->check_messages()) { # for a better simulation, only put those oids into # rawdata which would also be put by a real snmp agent. foreach my $table (keys %oidtables) { my $oid = $oidtables{$table}; $oid =~ s/\./\\./g; my $tmpoids = {}; my $tic = time; map { $tmpoids->{$_} = $self->{fullrawdata}->{$_} } grep /^$oid/, %{$self->{fullrawdata}}; my $tac = time; $self->trace(2, sprintf "%03d seconds for walk %s (%d oids)", $tac - $tic, $table, scalar(keys %{$tmpoids})); map { $self->{rawdata}->{$_} = $tmpoids->{$_} } keys %{$tmpoids}; } my @oids = values %oidvalues; map { $self->{rawdata}->{$_} = $self->{fullrawdata}->{$_} } @oids; } } else { my $net_snmp_version = Net::SNMP->VERSION(); # 5.002000 or 6.000000 #$params{'-translate'} = [ # -all => 0x0 #]; my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(%{$self->{runtime}->{snmpparams}}); if (! defined $session) { $self->{plugin}->add_message(CRITICAL, 'cannot create session object'); $self->trace(1, Data::Dumper::Dumper($self->{runtime}->{snmpparams})); } else { $session->translate(['-timeticks' => 0]); # revMajor is often used for discovery of hp devices my $cpqHeMibRev = ''; my $cpqHeMibRevMajor = ''; my $cpqHeMibCondition = ''; my $result = $session->get_request( -varbindlist => [$cpqHeMibCondition] ); if ($self->{productname} =~ /4LEE/) { # rindsarsch! $result->{$cpqHeMibCondition} = 0; } if (!defined($result) || $result->{$cpqHeMibCondition} eq 'noSuchInstance' || $result->{$cpqHeMibCondition} eq 'noSuchObject' || $result->{$cpqHeMibCondition} eq 'endOfMibView') { $self->add_message(CRITICAL, 'snmpwalk returns no health data (cpqhlth-mib)'); $session->close; } else { # this is not reliable. many agents return 4=failed #if ($result->{$cpqHeMibCondition} != 2) { # $obstacle = "cmapeerstart"; #} } } if (! $self->{runtime}->{plugin}->check_messages()) { # snmp peer is alive $self->trace(2, sprintf "Protocol is %s", $self->{runtime}->{snmpparams}->{'-version'}); $session->translate; my $response = {}; #break the walk up in smaller pieces foreach my $table (keys %oidtables) { my $oid = $oidtables{$table}; my $tic = time; my $tmpresponse = $session->get_table( -baseoid => $oid); if (scalar (keys %{$tmpresponse}) == 0) { $self->trace(2, sprintf "maxrepetitions failed. fallback"); $tmpresponse = $session->get_table( -maxrepetitions => 1, -baseoid => $oid); } my $tac = time; $self->trace(2, sprintf "%03d seconds for walk %s (%d oids)", $tac - $tic, $table, scalar(keys %{$tmpresponse})); map { $response->{$_} = $tmpresponse->{$_} } keys %{$tmpresponse}; } my @oids = values %oidvalues; my $tic = time; my $tmpresponse = $session->get_request( -varbindlist => \@oids, ); my $tac = time; $self->trace(2, sprintf "%03d seconds for get various (%d oids)", $tac - $tic, scalar(keys %{$tmpresponse})); map { $response->{$_} = $tmpresponse->{$_} } keys %{$tmpresponse}; $session->close(); $self->{rawdata} = $response; } } return $self->{runtime}->{plugin}->check_messages(); } sub set_serial { my $self = shift; my $cpqSiSysSerialNum = ""; my $cpqSiProductName = ""; my $cpqSeSysRomVer = ""; my $cpqSeRedundantSysRomVer = ""; $self->{serial} = SNMP::Utils::get_object($self->{rawdata}, $cpqSiSysSerialNum); $self->{product} = SNMP::Utils::get_object($self->{rawdata}, $cpqSiProductName); $self->{romversion} = SNMP::Utils::get_object($self->{rawdata}, $cpqSeSysRomVer); $self->{redundantromversion} = SNMP::Utils::get_object($self->{rawdata}, $cpqSeRedundantSysRomVer); if ($self->{romversion} && $self->{romversion} =~ #/(\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}).*?([ADP]{1}\d{2}).*/) { /(\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}).*?Family.*?([A-Z]{1})(\d+).*/) { $self->{romversion} = sprintf("%s%02d %s", $2, $3, $1); } elsif ($self->{romversion} && $self->{romversion} =~ /([ADP]{1}\d{2})\-(\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4})/) { $self->{romversion} = sprintf("%s %s", $1, $2); } else { # fallback if romversion is broken, redundantromversion not #. = STRING: "4), Family " #. = "" #. = STRING: "v1.20 (08/26/2014), Family " if ($self->{redundantromversion} && $self->{redundantromversion} =~ /(\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}).*?Family.*?([A-Z]{1})(\d+).*/) { $self->{romversion} = sprintf("%s%02d %s", $2, $3, $1); } elsif ($self->{redundantromversion} && $self->{redundantromversion} =~ /([ADP]{1}\d{2})\-(\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4})/) { $self->{romversion} = sprintf("%s %s", $1, $2); } } if (!$self->{serial} && $self->{romversion}) { # this probably is a very, very old server. $self->{serial} = "METHUSALEM"; $self->{runtime}->{scrapiron} = 1; } $self->{serial} = $self->{serial}; $self->{product} = lc $self->{product}; $self->{romversion} = $self->{romversion}; $self->{runtime}->{product} = $self->{product}; } 1;