# Content ## Modules ### initfunctions A script that gives you status messages in the vein of classical SysV init functions. I myself have migrated to systemd (stripped of what I don't need ofc, mostly using the resource manager only), but I still like this classical output for many of my scripts. ## Files / Folders ### /fs This reflects actual system folders, so here you'll find the actual scripts and libraries in the folders you'd put them into on your system. ### /Makefile Only use this if you want to install the files underneath `fs` directly. No common target, either use tab completion of `make` or read the Makefile yourself. ### /nfpm Stuff I use for building packages you would install on a target OS if you do not want to care about distribution yourself. Currently I am using [nfpm](https://github.com/goreleaser/nfpm) for this. It can build debs, rpms, and even apks - I don't care about other OSes now and I *especially* don't care about broken OSes that never were built for proper mass administration in the first place (i.e. Windows/MSI). Most of my stuff is not built for that anyway. Right now, nfpm quickly suited my needs. Should I change this, this doc will also change.