--- - hosts: "{{runtime_hosts|default('CHANGEME')}}" gather_facts: "no" tasks: - name: Gather distro setup: filter: "ansible_distribution*" - name: Check-in CentOS 8 debug: msg: "System is {{ansible_distribution}} {{ansible_distribution_version}}, checking in." when: (ansible_distribution == "CentOS") and (ansible_distribution_major_version == "8") changed_when: true notify: "centos-8" handlers: - name: Check whether Stream release package is installed shell: rpm --quiet -qi centos-stream-release args: warn: false register: pkginst changed_when: "pkginst.rc|int == 1" failed_when: "pkginst.rc|int > 1" listen: "centos-8" notify: - "centos-8-rel-installer" - "centos-8-distro-sync" - name: Check whether Stream releases are activated shell: rpm --quiet -qi centos-stream-repos centos-strean-release args: warn: false register: swapdone changed_when: "swapdone.rc|int == 1 or swapdone.rc|int == 2" failed_when: "pkginst.rc|int > 2" listen: "centos-8" notify: - "centos-8-swap-releases" - "centos-8-distro-sync" - name: Check for existence of rkhunter stat: path: /usr/bin/rkhunter register: rkhex ignore_errors: true no_log: true listen: - "centos-8-rel-installer" - "centos-8-swap-releases" changed_when: - rkhex.stat is defined - rkhex.stat.executable is defined - rkhex.stat.executable == true notify: "rkhunter execution" - name: rkhunter pre-check shell: rkhunter -c --sk --rwo --ns become: true no_log: true listen: "rkhunter execution" - name: Update repository caches dnf: state: present update_cache: "yes" validate_certs: "yes" listen: - "centos-8-rel-installer" - "centos-8-swap-releases" - name: Install CentOS Stream release package dnf: name: centos-release-stream state: latest listen: "centos-8-rel-installer" become: true - name: Swap release files to Stream shell: dnf -qy swap centos-linux-repos centos-stream-repos args: warn: false listen: "centos-8-swap-releases" become: true notify: "centos-8-distro-sync" - name: Perform a full distro-sync shell: dnf -qy distro-sync listen: "centos-8-distro-sync" become: true - name: rkhunter properties update shell: rkhunter --propupd --rwo --ns become: true listen: "rkhunter execution" - name: Reboot system regardless of actual changes reboot: reboot_timeout: 360 pre_reboot_delay: 5 test_command: uptime listen: "centos-8-distro-sync" become: true